If you’re launching a business there is no doubt that social media will play a roll in your marketing strategy. It is especially unnatural to be open on social media, for introverts. Whereas it’s simply hard to stay consistent on social media if you have ADHD.
But regardless, it is not a matter of if you will have social media accounts for your business but instead considering which ones to focus your time. When you already don’t want to post because you’re an introvert and you have a hard time staying on task because you have ADHD, jumping into content creation is extra tough.
Welcome to the corner of the internet where ADHD introvert perfectionist business owners are welcomed and supported.
I struggle with calling myself a content creator because my intention is not to ever become an influencer. My willingness to be engaged on social media is re-ignited now that I understand how it can work for me, instead of feeling sucked in to an endless abyss.
Best Social Media for Introverts
Social media marketing for introverts is usually a matter of lack of feeling interesting. Introverts will sit there staring at a screen wondering what they could possibly have to share with the world.
Make an active decision about which platforms you will utilize to market your business. You have the distinct advantage of not being stuck on an idea about what kind of content you want to create. Instead, you can focus on the much more important aspect of who you will be creating content for.
Determine what platforms your ideal client spends their time on. I’ve created a guide to Creating Your Customer Avatar which breaks down how to hone in on your ideal customer. Once you have your ideal client fully explained that should direct you to the social media platforms that are right for your business.
As an introvert you will feel much more confident posting on a social media platform where you clients are receptive and active in your brand’s content. Subsequently, the best social media for introverts will be wherever their clients will actively engage. An introvert is much more likely to put themselves out there if they are getting feedback. Clients communicating with the brand proves their content is worth making.

Best Social Media if You Have ADHD
Creating content when you have ADHD comes with it’s own set of problems. The best social media if you have ADHD is one where you will actually post.
You probably go through waves of enthusiasm when it comes to social media if you have ADHD. Some days you are hyper motivated to create content and ideas are just exploding out of you. Other days, which turn into weeks are utter dry spells on inspiration or follow through.
An app like Pinterest allows the third party vendor Tailwind to post on your behalf based on a schedule. Whereas the powerhouse Instagram allows you to save Reels as drafts that you can post if you set a reminder.
When it comes to social media if you have ADHD, there is a fair bit of out of sight out of mind. On one hand, you can fall down a Facebook rabbit hole making obscure realizations and waste an entire night of sleep. In contrast, you can just not log in for weeks at a time if life is chaotic.
Social Media Strategy for Introverts
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got about social media was to make content based on the reaction I want my viewer to have. Do you want the follower to respond with, “Yes, me too!” or “No, that can’t be true.” or “I gotta save this to show my husband.” Beginning your content strategy with a variety of desired responses is more helpful than a list of trending music.
Another huge relief when it comes to, social media marketing tips for introverts is that your content doesn’t need to be about you. Sure, you might be in the content, but the main character of everything you create should be the viewer.
If you’re doing social media correctly, the follower will use your content as a guide to become their own hero. Think of yourself as the Genie and your viewer as Aladdin. Your content provides the guidance on the epic quest of the other person’s life. In their story they are the main character and the hero, you are merely the guide.

Social Media Strategy if You Have ADHD
A confused mind always says no. If your social media strategy is all over the place just like your ideas, the audience won’t understand what you want them to do. Pick 1-3 niches your content is targeting and stick to your brand message.
Does social media cause ADHD? There is no evidence to confirm that social media causes ADHD. But, there is substantial evidence that it sure doesn’t help the mental health of a person struggling with ADHD symptoms.
If you’re like me, you are extremely good at making plans. Therefore, I won’t bore you with ideas of theme days like Motivation Monday, Tip Tuesday, or Wild Woman Wednesday. Additionally, you don’t already know that behind the scenes, FAQ’s, and FOMO video content does very well on social media.
Become successful on social media even if you have ADHD by executing your plan. Find business buddies who are also on the social media struggle train. Notice your motivation cycle and determine if a certain time of day increases your likelihood of execution. Creating content doesn’t take long if you know your ideal client, are clear on your desired outcome, and understand what content performs well.
How ADHD Introverts Can Love Social Media
You know who loves social media? People who’s content is resonating and resulting in profits.
Another thing ADHD introverts unfortunately have in common is that they are also often perfectionists. Just when you get your content created based on a plan, the perfectionist in you second guesses everything.
Commit to hitting post so you can reap the rewards. More content equals more opportunity to go viral.
Let your neurodiversity be your superpower. Your business is going to benefit a lot of people. Create the right content and clients will come.