Minimalism is a movement that favors experiences over material possessions. I give the elevator speech of what I do here at Nomad Veronica surely a hundred times per week. Without fail the number one question people ask after my pitch is, “What is minimalism?”
At this point, I almost feel like I am selling the concept of minimalism. The vast majority of people I meet surprisingly have not heard of the concept. It is fun educating people on how becoming a minimalist can, in fact, improve their lives. However, most of my conversations are centered around all the things that minimalism isn’t.
Things Minimalism Isn’t:
- Owning only as many items as can fit in a backpack
- Having less than 100 possessions
- Only having one pair of shoes or jacket or bra or (insert any item here)
- An empty pantry
- Getting rid of family heirlooms or incredibly sentimental items
- Empty walls and no decorations
- Living in a tiny home or off grid
People have all kinds of pre-conceived notions about how strict the rules are for minimalists. Being a minimalist doesn’t require joining a club or taking a test, contrarily minimalism is what you make it. Don’t let the scary extreme versions of minimalism deter you from implementing minimalist principles into your life.
What is Minimalism?
- It is a verb
- Actively choosing to have less so you can experience more
- Having items that serve a purpose (hint: that purpose can be that it makes you feel good)
- In general, being able to find any item you are looking for
- Not feeling overwhelmed by your possessions
- Healthy attachments to items
- Less stress, more calm
Minimalist Challenge
If you’re ready to explore the concept of minimalism in your life, join our Facebook community. I am also building a fun and supportive group of like minded people on Clubhouse if you want to listen to my free audio trainings.
Becoming a minimalist allows room for experiences beyond the burden items cause most people. How many times have you heard someone say they can’t do something because they are cleaning their house or complain how hard it was having people over because cleaning took so long? Minimalists have a much easier time maintaining their homes because they don’t have so many personal objects to contend with.
What is minimalism to you?
[…] makes people feel like they are not “allowed” to make purchases. On the contrary, minimalists shop, they just shop with different goals. We want minimalist products that serve a purpose, […]
[…] a minimalist does not mean getting rid of all your earthly possessions. There is a wide spectrum of minimalism philosophies. I practice cozy minimalism. My goal was to spend less time looking for things amongst my other […]
[…] Hi, I’m Veronica, mom of two girls who are 5 & 7, I’m also a minimalist. Now that we have that out of the way, I’ll tell ya, the most common thing I hear is that moms can’t be minimalists. I chalk that assumption up to a misunderstanding of minimalism. […]
[…] me just give a quick plug for minimalism here. The fewer objects you have—the less there is to clean. It’s a process for sure, but […]
[…] possessions. Part of the reason a part-time Airbnb can work is because the homeowner has embraced minimalism. Learn to reduce your clutter and move toward a more experience based […]
[…] was that day in 2017 when my google searches began. “What is minimalism?” and “How do I become a minimalist?” were some of my first searches. I read […]