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7 Interactive Safety Lessons Your Kids Will Learn From

7 Interactive Safety Lessons Your Kids Will Learn From

Blogging about parenting in an authentic way isn’t just about coloring page printables and lunch menu ideas. Safety for children is important information that deserves to be written about in a serious tone with respect to all the different situations a parent might find themselves in. In this article I did my best to turn proper safety procedures into engaging safety activities for kids.

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Adapt or Leave

Before we get started I want to be clear that teaching safety within the constraints of your current circumstances is not the only solution. As I wrote this article I couldn’t help but think that I am giving advice on a fight or flight scenario when it comes to America. It seems a bit disingenuous for me to teach you how to handle emergency situations in an engaging way, without also mentioning option B, which is to just leave.

While no place on Earth is perfect, there are unique safety concerns in America that either don’t exist or are dramatically reduced in other countries. I know that your primary concern as a parent is to keep your child safe at all costs. My family decided in November 2020 that the best way to keep our kids safe was to move out of the country. 

The idea of leaving in search of safety might offend some of you and it might inspire others, either way I just felt that it needed to be said up front instead of acting like we’re all in the same boat when it comes to our kid getting shot at school. I am not in that boat. So, with that being said, here are some safety activities for kids to make the safety message less dry and more easily remembered.

Which safety activities for kids teaches them about safety in the kitchen?

Teaching Kids About Safety

Teaching children about safety is a critical aspect of early education that helps protect them and instills a sense of responsibility and awareness as they grow. Safety activities for kids provide a dynamic way to educate them about potential hazards in a manner that is both engaging and memorable. By integrating fun, practical tasks into lessons about safety—whether it’s road, fire, or online safety—you can help children learn vital skills at a young age.

Building a foundation in safety ensures that preventable injuries are minimized and that children are equipped with the knowledge they need to navigate various environments securely. When safety education starts at home and continues at school, it lays down the groundwork for a lifetime of prudent choices and self-protection. Your role as an educator or parent is to combine safety protocols with fun, age-appropriate activities that reinforce these important lessons.

Water safety, personal safety in the presence of strangers, and online safety are just some areas where educational activities can make a real difference. By regularly practicing safety activities for kids and making them part of your routine, you encourage children to actively participate in their own protection. These practices are not only essential but can also be seamlessly incorporated into playtime, classroom settings, and everyday life.

Fundamentals of Home Safety Activities for Kids

Ensuring your home is secure involves recognizing potential hazards and knowing how to address them. This section will guide you through identifying dangers, preparing for emergencies, and managing household items responsibly.

Identifying Safety Hazards at Home

Your ability to spot potential risks in the home is crucial for maintaining a safe environment. Begin by inspecting each room for common hazards such as loose carpets that could cause trips and falls or unsecured heavy furniture that might tip over. Smoke detectors should be installed on every level, especially near sleeping areas. Test these monthly and replace batteries annually to safeguard against fire risks. Remember, safety items like fire extinguishers should be easily accessible in key areas, including the kitchen and garage.

Other major risks are unattended cleaners, medicine bottles, and other substances that are one of the leading cause of death among children. Teach young kids about poison safety and store all toxic substances, including cleaning products and medications, out of children’s reach. These substances are ideally placed in locked cabinets that are not within reach of children. In case of accidental ingestion, plan for these emergencies by having several important pieces of information at hand, like ambulance contact information. 

Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Plans

You must have a clear and practiced fire escape plan that defines safe exit points and a family meeting location outside the home. Always keep exits clear and have an escape ladder for rooms above ground level. Teach everyone in your home how to use a fire extinguisher correctly and ensure they know where first aid kits are stored. Set up regular family drills to practice these plans and keep emergency contact numbers accessible to everyone in the household.

What are the safety activities for kids that teach them about fire safety?

Proper Use and Storage of Household Items

Safely manage sharp objects like kitchen knives in secure drawers or racks. Educate your family on the importance of never leaving these items unattended. They must know of a safe place where all knives, cutters, and sharp objects can be placed out of children’s reach. 

Implementing security alarms can also provide an additional layer of safety, alerting you to unauthorized entry or potential dangers such as carbon monoxide.

Making Safety Activities for Kids Engaging

Ensuring safety is vital no matter the child’s age, and incorporating fun activities into learning helps them absorb important lessons better. Interactive games, creative crafts, and real-world experiences make safety education engaging and memorable.

#1 Interactive Safety Games

You can transform essential safety knowledge into an enjoyable experience with interactive safety games. For example, teaching the “stop, drop, and roll” technique through a high-energy, fun game serves as a practical method for fire safety while also catering to a preschooler’s need for active play. Classic games like 911 Hopscotch offer a fun way to familiarize children with emergency contact numbers.

How to Play Stop, Drop, and Roll Relay

Materials Needed:
  • A spacious, safe area to play (like a grassy field or gymnasium)
  • Cones or markers to set up start and end lines
  • A whistle or signal to start the game
  1. Define the Play Area: Use cones or markers to set up a start line and a turnaround point. Make sure the distance between the two is manageable for the age of the children playing.
  2. Space Out Players Along the Start Line: In a family each child is their own team, at school organize the children into small teams (3-4 kids per team works well).
How to Play Stop, Drop, and Roll Relay:
  1. Explain the Technique: Before starting the game, demonstrate the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique. Emphasize the importance of not running if clothes catch fire and the need to cover the face while rolling.
  2. Start the Relay: The first child from each team stands at the start line. At your signal (whistle or shout), the first child from each team starts the relay.
  3. Perform “Stop, Drop, and Roll”: Each child, upon reaching the turnaround point, must perform the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique correctly:
    • Stop: Stand still.
    • Drop: Sit down and lie flat on the ground.
    • Roll: Roll over back and forth until they’ve made a complete turn.
    • Cover Face: Remind them to use their hands to protect their face during the roll.
  4. Return to Start Line: After completing the “Stop, Drop, and Roll,” the child gets up and runs back to the start line which is also the finish line.
  5. Team Completion: If there are multiple players per team the relay continues until all members of the team have completed the course and the “Stop, Drop, and Roll.”
  • Safety First: Ensure children understand the importance of doing the actions safely and without rushing too much.
  • Correct Technique: Encourage them to perform the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” correctly each time.
  • The goal is to reinforce the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique through repetition and teamwork while making the learning process fun and engaging.
After the Game:
  • Discuss with the children why “Stop, Drop, and Roll” is important and when to use it. You can also talk about other fire safety tips.

How to Play 911 Hopscotch

Materials Needed:

  • Sidewalk chalk
  • A small stone, beanbag, or similar item to use as a marker


  1. Draw the Hopscotch Grid: Use the chalk to draw a traditional hopscotch grid. Each square should be large enough for a child to stand in comfortably.
  2. Number the Squares: Number the squares from 1 to 9, but in the last two squares, write “1” and “1” again to represent “911.”
An image of three children on a bike.

How to Play 911 Hopscotch:

  1. Start the Game: Players line up behind the start of the hopscotch grid.
  2. First Turn: The first player throws their marker onto square number 1.
  3. Hop Through the Grid: The player hops through the grid, skipping the square with their marker in it. Remember, only one foot in each square, except for the 7-8 and 9-1-1 where both feet land in side-by-side squares.
  4. Turn at the End: At the “911” end, the player turns around and hops back through the grid, picking up their marker on the way back.
  5. Complete the Sequence: The player completes their turn by hopping out of the grid after retrieving their marker.


  • No Stepping on Lines: If a player steps on a line, they lose their turn.
  • Missed Marker: If the marker doesn’t land in the correct square, the player loses their turn.
  • One Footed Hops: Players must hop on one foot in the single squares.


  • The goal is to complete the hopscotch pattern with the marker landing in each square, from 1 to 9 and then in the 1-1 (911) squares, without breaking any rules.

Educational Twist:

  • After successfully completing a round, the player can be asked a safety question related to 911, like “When should you call 911?” or “What information should you give when you call 911?” This adds an educational aspect to the game.

#2 Fun Songs About Safety

Parents often dictate what a child is supposed to be doing as a day progresses. All day long we say “do this,” “don’t do that,” “do it like this.” Turning those instructions into safety songs makes it less likely that our kids will tune us out.

Pro Tip: When your child is old enough to use a public bathroom by themselves and you are each in an individual stall, have them sing you a safety song in order to know they are still where you expect them to be while you pee.

Safety Song About Crossing the Street

Sing this song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Look, Look, Left and Right

Verse 1:
Look, look, left and right,
Before you step, make sure it’s right.
Hold a grown-up’s hand so tight,
Walking safe in daylight bright.
Look, look, left and right,
Safety first, that’s our insight!

Stop, look, and listen, too,
That’s what we always do.
Cross the street with care,
Look around, be aware!

Verse 2:
Cross, cross, at the line,
Where the signs are clear and fine.
Traffic lights, they help us know,
When it’s time to stop and go.
Cross, cross, at the line,
Walking safe and feeling fine!

Stop, look, and listen, too,
That’s what we always do.
Cross the street with care,
Look around, be aware!

Look, look, left and right,
Now we cross with all our might.
Safe and sound, from side to side,
We crossed the road with a stride!
Look, look, left and right,
We did it right, what a sight!

Safety Song About Riding a Bicycle

Sing this song to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb

Safe on My Bicycle

Verse 1:
Safe on my bicycle, here I go,
Here I go, here I go,
Safe on my bicycle, here I go,
Riding smooth and slow.

Helmet on to protect my head,
Every time I ride, every time I ride,
Follow the rules, just like I said,
Safe on every stride.

Verse 2:
Look around and signal well,
Signal well, signal well,
Look around and signal well,
Safety tales I’ll tell.

Helmet on to protect my head,
Every time I ride, every time I ride,
Follow the rules, just like I said,
Safe on every stride.

Verse 3:
Staying on the right-hand side,
Right-hand side, right-hand side,
Staying on the right-hand side,
With a safety guide.

Helmet on to protect my head,
Every time I ride, every time I ride,
Follow the rules, just like I said,
Safe on every stride.

Now I ride my bike with glee,
With glee, with glee,
I follow rules so I stay free,
Happy and safe, that’s me!

Safety activities for kids can teach them about biking safely.

#3 Fun Safety Crafts

Creative crafts can be a great way to teach safety and inspire a love for the subject. For very young kids, construction paper can be used to assemble a vibrant fire truck, adding yarn for the hose and straws for the ladder. In pre-school a simple activity would be to make signs for potential fire hazards in your home which gives you a great opportunity to discuss first steps if that thing were to ever catch on fire. As children get even older you can have them draw different scenarios for escaping a fire.

Fire Escape Plan Map

Objective: To teach children about the importance of having a fire escape plan at home and to familiarize them with safe exits in case of a fire.

Materials Needed:
  • Large sheets of paper or poster board
  • Markers or crayons in various colors
  • Stickers or colored labels (optional)
  • Ruler (optional, for drawing straight lines)
Introduce the Concept:

Start by discussing the importance of fire safety and having a plan in case of an emergency.

Explain what a fire escape plan is and why it’s important to know the exits in your home.

Drawing the Home Layout:

Give each child a large sheet of paper or poster board.

Guide them to draw a simple map of their home, including all rooms, doors, and windows. A ruler can be used to draw straight lines for walls.

Encourage them to mark the main living areas, bedrooms, and any important landmarks in their home.

Marking Exits:

Using a different colored marker, have children mark all possible exits in each room, including windows and doors.

Discuss the importance of having more than one exit in case one is blocked.

Designate a Safe Meeting Place:

Choose a safe meeting place outside the home, like a neighbor’s house, a street light, or a mailbox.

Have children mark this meeting place on their map, possibly with a special sticker or label.

Highlight Smoke Detectors:

Ask children to place a sticker or draw a symbol where smoke detectors are located in their home.

Discuss the importance of smoke detectors and why they should be regularly checked.

Discuss and Practice:

Once their map is complete, encourage children to discuss their plan with their family at home.

Suggest they practice the fire escape plan with their family, ensuring everyone knows what to do in case of a fire.

Display the Map:
  • Encourage children to place their Fire Escape Plan Map in a common area of the house, like on the fridge or a family bulletin board, so everyone can see it.

8. Safety Tips Reminder:

  • As a closing discussion, remind the children of key fire safety tips:
    • Stay low to avoid smoke.
    • Feel doors before opening them; if they’re hot, use another way out.
    • Call 911 once safely outside.
    • Never go back inside a burning building.

This activity not only helps children understand the importance of being prepared for emergencies but also engages them in a practical exercise that can be crucial in a real-life situation. It’s a great way to make the concept of fire safety interactive and tangible for kids.

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#4 Safety Scavenger Hunt

Home Safety Scavenger Hunt

Objective:Find and identify items or situations around the house that are either safe or not safe, based on the clues provided.

  • Scavenger Hunt Checklist (provided below)
  • Pencil or marker to check off items
Read the Clues: 

Start by reading each clue on the scavenger hunt checklist. Each clue will describe either a safe item or an unsafe situation in the house.

Search for Items: 

Look around the house to find the item or situation described by each clue.

Safe or Not Safe: 

Decide if the item or situation is safe or not safe. If it’s not safe, think about why and what could be done to make it safer.

Check Off Items: 

Once you find an item or situation and decide if it’s safe, check it off the list.

Complete the Hunt: 

Try to find as many items as possible. Once you’ve completed the hunt, review the items with an adult to discuss why they are safe or not safe.


After completing the scavenger hunt, receive a small reward or praise for your excellent detective work in identifying home safety!

Scavenger Hunt Checklist:
  1. Find something that is used to keep the house warm in winter. (Safe: Heater, but not safe if it’s too close to flammable materials)
  2. Look for a cleaning product. Is it stored safely out of reach of young children? (Not safe if within easy reach)
  3. Find a smoke detector. Is it working? (Safe if it’s working, not safe if not)
  4. Locate a small toy or object that could be a choking hazard for young children. (Not safe for young children)
  5. Find a place where medicines are stored. Are they in a safe place? (Not safe if within easy reach of children)
  6. Look for a sharp object (like scissors or a knife). Is it stored safely? (Not safe if within easy reach)
  7. Find a fire extinguisher. Do you know where it is? (Safe)
  8. Spot a bottle of water. Is it safe to drink? (Safe)
  9. Locate a wet floor. Is there a sign or a way to know it’s slippery? (Not safe if there’s no warning)
  10. Find a helmet. When should you wear this? (Safe, especially when riding bikes or scooters)

#5 Embracing Learning Styles

Engaging Safety Lessons for Every Learner

Objective: To teach children important safety lessons in an interactive and inclusive manner, addressing different learning styles: auditory, kinesthetic, and visual.

Auditory Learners: Listening to a Safety Story

  • Activity: Select safety-themed children’s books or stories.
  • Instructions:
    • Play an audio recording of the book, or read the book aloud.
    • After listening, ask the children questions about the story to reinforce the safety lessons.
  • Context: Auditory learners absorb information best when they hear it.

Kinesthetic Learners: Safety Word Scramble or Crossword Puzzle

  • Activity: Create a crossword puzzle or word scramble with key safety terms.
  • Instructions:
    • Provide the children with the puzzle and let them solve it.
    • Discuss the meaning of each word as they find it, relating it back to safety lessons.
  • Context: Kinesthetic learners thrive on movement and hands-on activities. Solving a puzzle allows them to engage physically with the lesson, making the learning process more dynamic and memorable.

Visual Learners: Safety Coloring Page or Activity Sheet

  • Activity: Provide coloring pages that illustrate various safety scenarios or safety symbols.
  • Instructions:
    • Give the children time to color the pages, and then discuss what each picture represents.
    • Use the colored pages to talk about different safety topics depicted in the illustrations.
  • Context: Visual learners process information best through images and spatial understanding. Coloring in safety-themed pictures helps them visualize and internalize the safety messages.
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Combining the Activities:

  • To create an inclusive learning environment, you can rotate the children through each activity station, allowing each child to experience different learning methods. This not only caters to their primary learning style but also exposes them to other ways of learning.
  • At the end of the session, have a group discussion where children can share what they learned from each activity. This reinforces the safety lessons and encourages peer learning.

#6 Educational Safety Field Trips

A field trip to a local fire station or police station introduces children to real-life safety professionals, like firefighters and police officers, making them role models in the eyes of the kids. Observing a fire truck up close or watching a police officer demonstrate safety equipment imparts valuable lessons. Such field trips cement classroom learning by providing hands-on experiences and allowing children to connect safety lessons with real life situations.

#7 Safety Role Playing

As I alluded to before there was a sense of dread when I decided to write about safety activities for kids because I wanted to not just write a puff piece. There was no type of play based lesson I could come up with in regards to gun safety in public places.

Instead, I decided that practical experience similar to a fire drill or an earthquake drill was the answer for this particular safety topic. In fact, it was active shooter drills at my kids school that was the straw that broke the camels back and finally caused us to leave America. 

In America, it’s unfortunately necessary to discuss tough topics like gun violence in public spaces. While it’s a challenging subject, preparing your child can empower them and enhance their safety.

Start with a Gentle Conversation

  • Approach the Topic Sensitively: Begin by asking your child what they already know or have heard about public safety and emergencies. This gives you a starting point for the conversation.
  • Use Age-Appropriate Language: Explain the situation in a way that’s appropriate for their age. For younger children, keep it simple and avoid graphic details.

Role Playing Safety Scenarios

  • Create Scenario-Based Discussions: Use hypothetical scenarios to discuss what to do in different public places like schools, malls, or parks.
  • Teach the ‘Run, Hide, Fight’ Strategy: Explain the basics of running to a safe place, hiding if running isn’t safe, and as a last resort, fighting back.
  • Practice Makes Prepared: Act out these scenarios in a calm and reassuring manner. For example, show them how to find a hiding place or how to quietly exit a room.

Reinforce the Importance of Awareness

  • Stay Alert: Teach them to be observant of their surroundings and to report anything unusual to a trusted adult.
  • Identify Safe People and Places: Point out who they can go to for help, such as police officers, store managers, or teachers, and safe places like help desks or customer service areas.

Emphasize It’s Not Their Responsibility to Fix the Situation

  • Reassure Their Role: Make sure they understand that it’s not their job to confront the danger. Their primary goal is to stay safe.
  • Provide Comfort and Support: Let them know that adults are working hard to keep them safe and that these incidents, while scary, are rare.

Encourage Open Communication

  • Keep the Conversation Going: Let them know they can come to you with questions or fears at any time.
  • Listen and Validate Feelings: Acknowledge their feelings and fears. It’s important they know they’re being heard.

Conversations about gun violence are not easy, but they are necessary. By discussing these scenarios with sensitivity and care, you’re not only preparing your child but also providing them with confidence and reassurance. Remember, the aim is not to scare them but to equip them with knowledge and strategies for their safety.

Teaching Bodily Autonomy With Safety Activities for Kids

Teaching children about personal space and stranger safety is crucial in equipping them with the skills to navigate potentially dangerous situations. By establishing clear safety rules and reinforcing the concepts of personal boundaries, your child can learn to trust their instincts and act appropriately when faced with strangers or even family and friends.

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Understanding Personal Boundaries and Privacy

Personal boundaries are essential for a child’s sense of safety and well-being. Begin by teaching your child the correct names of their body parts to communicate clearly about their privacy. Introduce the “traffic light” system as a tool to understand personal boundaries: green light for acceptable behaviors, yellow light for uncertain situations, and red light for unacceptable actions. Use role-playing to practice scenarios where they must assert their boundaries.

Identifying Strangers and Learning Appropriate Reactions

Stranger danger awareness is a key component of your child’s safety education. Help your child understand who strangers are, emphasizing that they are not always ‘scary’ in appearance. Provide them with simple and direct safety rules, like never accepting gifts or rides without your permission. Instruct them to look for safety equipment like police badges or uniforms if they are lost and need to ask for help. Additionally, teach them to trust their instincts and use a strong, clear voice if they feel unsafe, reinforcing these good practices through regular discussion and rehearsal.

Outdoor and Recreational Safety Activities for Kids

Ensuring the safety of children during outdoor and recreational activities requires your vigilance and their understanding of certain safety principles. Here, you’ll find structured advice on road and pedestrian education, water safety, and extracurricular activity best practices.

Road and Pedestrian Safety Education

Teach your children about traffic signs and rules with engaging games like “Red Light, Green Light”. These games not only provide much fun but also embed safe habits in your child’s routine. Spend time explaining the importance of pedestrian safety, such as looking both ways before crossing the street and understanding potential hazards.

Key Points for Road Safety:

  • Use crosswalks and traffic signals
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing
  • Always walk on sidewalks or paths

Water Safety and Sun Protection Tips

When spending time near water, ensure your child understands water safety. Equip them with wearable safety gear such as life jackets and arm floaties. In addition, conduct experiments or fun activities to highlight the significance of sun protection. Demonstrating the effects of sunscreen with a UV bead experiment can be an imaginative way to inculcate the habit of using sunblock.

Sun Protection Checklist:

  • Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen SPF 30 or higher
  • Wear hats and UV protection sunglasses
  • Seek shade, especially during midday hours
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Bike and Extracurricular Activity Safety

For bike safety, ensure your child wears a helmet and protective gear. Incorporate these practices into your own classroom or home to make learning about safety a part of their everyday life. Moreover, emphasize the safe practices of any extracurricular activities, always highlighting the use of appropriate safety equipment and understanding of the environment they’re engaging with.

Bike Safety Essentials:

  • Helmet: Proper fit and worn correctly
  • Visibility: Bright clothes and reflective gear
  • Rules: Understanding and following bike trails and road rules

With these guidelines, you can provide a comprehensive safety education that covers road, pedestrian, and recreational activities. Lead by example and consistently reinforce these practices to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing during their outdoor adventures.

Online Safety Activities for Kids

In the digital age, it is paramount that you equip even younger children with the skills to navigate the internet safely. This means having open discussions about internet safety that resonate with their level of understanding, engaging them in interactive lessons to secure their personal information, and involving them in activities that teach them to identify the do’s and don’ts of digital communication.

Know the Signs of Cyberbullying

Understanding and recognizing the signs of cyberbullying is a critical part of your child’s online safety. Ensure they know that any form of harassment or bullying, whether in comments, messages, or posts, is unacceptable. While this is a scary topic for older children since it can lead to sexual abuse or invasion of privacy, you can make them understand unsafe situations in social media sites through the proper safety messages of internet usage. Below is a teacher guide on cyberbullying to  help old and young people. 

  • Indicators of cyberbullying can include:
    • Unexplained emotional responses after using the internet or devices
    • Reluctance to participate in previously enjoyed online activities
    • Unwillingness to discuss what they’re doing online
  • To help your child, you can:
    • Encourage open communication about their online interactions and experiences
    • Emphasize the importance of coming forward if they feel threatened or bullied
    • Guide them on how to block or report online bullies

FAQ: Safety Activities for Kids


  • Veronica Hanson Contact

    Veronica Hanson blogs from whatever country she happens to be in at the time, currently she's hanging out in Portugal. She's been living as a nomad remote entrepreneur with her family since 2020.

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